Computronium 2.0 and the Anti Temporal Philosophy

A human’s journey.

Brian Fakhoury
3 min readAug 7, 2019

Bathed in information, we want our computers to feel like we do?

What if we’re trading our humanity, becoming more like robots, for computers to take all the suffering, labor, and feeling. Like what if we switch spots?

Where will we go when our compass breaks? Do we have to go anywhere?

In our modern day, more advanced than ever, we have no more grasp of true purpose than our ancestors did. But we are building, and we’re building fast. Let’s see where we might go…

Computroniuma theoretical arrangement of matter that is the best possible form of computing device for that amount of matter.

We want to build computronium, per our current industrial goals. But, we have never built something perfect. By our nature, we always end up with a 2.0 to our products, and many more (e.g. iPhones). Theoretically, could we stop building? If we make the best product that could ever exist in this universe, does that mean that a part of the game is won? Do we reset the pieces? Or do we keep playing, like an open world game after the main story is over? How are we going to get to Computronium 2.0?

Temporal philosophies, so I refer to them, enroll themselves in ordinal events.

Things must happen… It is this way because of this before it… When we do X we experience Y… It goes that way….

The obsession with the fourth dimension is fairly pointless. Do we consider the ‘spatial’ dimensions? This thing over here is this way because of that thing over there? That’s the equivalent meta philosophy I guess.

Where am I going with this? Nowhere, because I propose an anti temporal meta philosophy. (reality check, I’ve never studied philosophy, which I don’t mind as this feels more creative to me)

  • Convergent features across the time dimension result in cyclic computronium machines.
  • A conscious being takes a low resistance path inside the convergent boundaries.
  • Live a crazy life my diverging the computronium cycle.

Computronium 2.0 is a less efficient computer of any sort that makes you happier and does not fill any of your living needs. This happens by, for humans at least, sensational marketing and irrational consumers. Update: we are already here😂.

I conclude that the universe is self complete and there’s nothing to really worry about. Let’s keep this boat floating for as long as we can, it’s a competitive game, and we’re good at it.



Brian Fakhoury
Brian Fakhoury

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